Picasso plate: contact an expert for an appraisal

To estimate the value of your Picasso plate, you must choose a reliable expert. However, it is necessary to privilege certain criteria to avoid the bad surprises. You must take into account the quality of the service, the seniority and the reputation of the specialist, the estimation price... To make your choice easier, you just have to use online comparators.

How to choose the right expert to appraise the value of your Picasso plate?

If you want to know the value of your Picasso plate, you need to call a competent expert. This way, you will get a fair Picasso ‘ceramics estimate. To do this, the professional will consider some criteria. Indeed, he will take into account the presence of signature on your Picasso plate. Indeed, it can present analogies especially when it is accompanied by the stamp in the carpentry or in the cabinet making. It can be in the form of a monogram accompanied by a location or a date. Be aware that the signature and monogram can be imitated in some cases. Only an expert can identify their authenticity. This is why it is important to consider the seniority of your professional. This will guarantee his experience and efficiency. Nowadays, with the advancement of new technology, you can find a reliable expert online. 

A guide to find a competent expert to estimate the value of your Picasso plate

For an accurate estimation of your Picasso plate, you must call upon an expert Picasso pitcher. The latter will consider the size of the work. Therefore, you must tell him the length and height of the plate. It is also necessary to inform him about the description of the work especially its origin (auction, inheritance, at an antique dealer...). Indeed, you must provide the elements that can influence the evaluation such as the title of the work and the appraisals that you have already carried out before. If you make an online estimate, the image remains one of the elements not to be missed. It is important to send quality photos to avoid over- or undervaluation. Take its front view, back view as well as the small important details. Don't forget to take a wide shot of the signature. Obviously, consider the reputation of your professional. Don't hesitate to start discussions in specialized forums or blogs to get the address of a professional expert from Internet users. However, you can also rely on word of mouth. Just ask for recommendations from your friends and family, if necessary.

Things to do to find a specialist to appraise your Picasso plate

For a good appraisal of a Picasso plate, it is necessary to choose the right specialist. Your professional must be able to detect the originality of your goods. Know that the use of varnish has for role to protect the work and to keep its aesthetic aspect. However, over time, the yellowing varnish can have an impact on its design. Your professional should have a good knowledge of this criterion and the yellowing should not affect his evaluation, because your plate remains a product of the Madoura workshop. Also, consider the budget issue before making your decision. It is best to turn to a specialist who offers you the best value for money. Obviously, do not hesitate to contact the reviews and comments posted by Internet users on the site of your specialist. This will guarantee his efficiency and his way of working. On the internet, you can use specialized comparison tools to find the right expert for your needs and budget.
Georges Mathieu – Beyond Tachism and a bit before
Yves Brayer, the master of graphics and colour

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